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You are now at Enfield (45km from Dublin).  The stretch from Fern’s Lock to Enfield passes through Cappagh Bog and proved a laborious and expensive undertaking with problems caused by the sides slipping and the bottom swelling up. By 1800 the company was once again in financial difficulty and the works were halted just beyond Enfield.

From Cloncurry Bridge to Enfield the engineers were faced with a difficult section of deep sinking in order to keep the canal on the same level to avoid the need for locks. When the water was eventually admitted, the banks, which were made of fine sand, tended to slip into the canal.

The restoration of Enfield Harbour, the construction of the boat slip and the development of  the park were all undertaken jointly by the Enfield Community Council and the Enfield Branch of the RCAG, mainly by way of a sponsored Community Youth Training Project and a Social Employment Scheme.

Irish Rail Information

Bus Eireann Information Route 115/115A